Saturday, October 25, 2008

October 24, 2008 Financial Market Panic

There can be little doubt that the market volatility on Friday was due to a great fear of of an Obama Presidency.

It is clear that Obama and his supporters are ignorant of basic economic principles.

The most important of which is that there is no validity to the thought that you can tax your way to prosperity.
This is the cornerstone of Obama's economic policy.

The problem is that there is absolutely ZERO empirical data,
in the entirety of human history, to even postulate this ludicrous thought as a possible solution.

The democrats have tipped their hand and it is a deliberately socialist move. Their move, made public on Friday, to literally CONFISCATE current 401k accounts and essentially absorb them into an IOU system similar to what has been done with Social Security spells the end of this nation if it is allowed to happen. It will complete a sacking of the treasury from which there can be no recovery.It will create a debt that is insurmountable given the penchant for spending inherent in democrat ideology.

Wait until the types get a wiff of how their freedoms will be curtailed under a possible Obama Presidency.
It will be the most staggering case of buyers remorse in US history.

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