Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sirius-XM merger approved by DOJ - FINALLY

Well the US Department of Justice FINALLY approved the Sirius-XM merger.

It's about damned time!
The fact that it took longer for the DOJ to approve this merger
than it did for Exxon-Mobile is a disgrace. The delay had
everything to do with bashing Howard Stern as the bad-boy
of Radio and letting both companies know who is boss.

The idea that this merger was, in any way, anti-competitive
is simply foolish. Electronic media offers all kinds of delivery
systems for entertainment and news. Both Sirius and XM
have had to compete with all of them.

The National Association of Broadcasters even made the
specious claim that the merger would create a monopoly.
I guess the NAB hadn't heard of iPods or the Internet.
The fact that they have thrown so much money around
lobbying against the merger is telling.

Jim Cramer called them out on his TV show and rightly so.
He also called out the politicians in the pocket of the NAB.

The FCC will be hard pressed now to not approve this merger.

Let's get on with it.

As a Howard Stern fan and Sirius subscriber, I can't wait.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Spitzer should be Disbarred

The issue in the Spitzer scandal is not that he had extramarital sex.
I couldn't care less about his sex life.

He opened himself up to blackmail by depending on the secrecy of others to maintain his hypocrisy. He also made his name prosecuting others for the very same "activities" he liked to partake in. He knows full well that these type of high-dollar operations are controlled by organized crime.

He has shown himself to be a shallow and vindictive hypocrite with very poor judgment. He used his office as AG and as Governor to attempt to destroy the reputations of people who dared to disagree with him.

He has permanently damaged his relationship with his daughters not to mention the embarrassment he has brought upon his wife.

Some things his apologists should keep in mind;

1) Spitzer is, as a member of the New York Bar, an officer of the Court. He will likely be disbarred as a result of this scandal.

2) Spitzer was the Chief law enforcement official for the State of New York. He took an oath to enforce the law.

3) He violated Federal law by structuring wire transfer payments in order to hide payments for an illegal activity. He knowingly broke this Federal law, repeatedly. This will be the violation that gets him disbarred.

I say good riddance to bad rubbish.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Karl Rove -Enemy of Conservatives

I'm curious of people's take on Karl Rove.

I personally think he did more to undermine Conservatism than any Republican in the history of the Party.

President Bush did plenty but Rove was the little voice, whispering in his ear, "Do it, Do it".

President Bush and Rove used conservatives to get elected and then told us, flat out, "go pound sand". Any legacy a President has is largely dependent on how is perceived by those who elected him. As a conservative who voted for him TWICE, I consider him to be every bit as bad as Bill Clinton when it comes to sacrificing ideology for the sake of pragmatism.
The Emperor has no clothes. He was sold a bill of goods by Karl Rove.

Karl Rove is not someone who should be praised for his political acumen. He is someone who should be held in contempt for sacrificing ideology for political expedience.