Thursday, March 20, 2008

Karl Rove -Enemy of Conservatives

I'm curious of people's take on Karl Rove.

I personally think he did more to undermine Conservatism than any Republican in the history of the Party.

President Bush did plenty but Rove was the little voice, whispering in his ear, "Do it, Do it".

President Bush and Rove used conservatives to get elected and then told us, flat out, "go pound sand". Any legacy a President has is largely dependent on how is perceived by those who elected him. As a conservative who voted for him TWICE, I consider him to be every bit as bad as Bill Clinton when it comes to sacrificing ideology for the sake of pragmatism.
The Emperor has no clothes. He was sold a bill of goods by Karl Rove.

Karl Rove is not someone who should be praised for his political acumen. He is someone who should be held in contempt for sacrificing ideology for political expedience.

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